There appears to be widespread agreement among teachers, academics and researchers about what good assessment practice is.
However, someone somewhere seems to have forgotten to mention this to Senior Leaders who are desperate for data they can use to measure progress. Often the data they are using to measure history departments is flawed. Worse still they think that good assessment involves using lolly sticks in lessons and filling in data bases using sub-levels that don’t actually exist.
With levels going going gone, we are in a brave new world. And it is a mad mad world! The only way to keep sane is to remind ourselves what good assessment practice is in general and what good assessment practice looks like in history in particular.
So what is good assessment practice?
How do you plan for manageable, focused, and holistic and history centred assessment across Key Stage 3?
Practical advice and ideas to take away are available in this download priced at £5.49, including:
- Full article on good assessment practice
- Presentation for departmental training on planning for assessment across KS3
- Resource 1
- Resource 2 audit your present assessment coverage
- Resource 3 audit your present assessment coverage
- Resource 4 card sort
- Resource 4a card sort
- Resource 5 assessment planner
- Resource 6 copy of a bespoke mark-scheme
- Resource 7 examples of good end products that give good assessment returns
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