What makes a great (history) teacher? I have been pondering this question lately. By lately I mean for the last 19 years or so… and probably will continue to ponder for the next 20 to 30 years, God willing! Lots of people seem to be experts on this subject, clever[…]
New National Curriculum, new series of books
Happy New Year to you all! Things have been quieter on the historyresourcecupboard in the Autumn term. This is because we have been working hard on a new series of books for the 2014 National Curriculum. The we being, me – Richard McFahn, Neil Bates and Alec Fisher. We have[…]
The irony of it
About a week ago I was lucky enough to spend four days in Tbilisi Georgia, as a part of an amazing Euroclio project: Innovating History Teaching in the Black Sea region. It was an incredible experience and a brilliant project, aimed at getting history educators from across the region to[…]
What kind of history do you want?
I have just been lucky enough to have a look at a copy of Diana Laffin’s latest A level History book British Society 1945. Its part of the Enquiring History series for A level.Quickly thumbing through it I am struck by the clever teaching techniques and the interesting content. It[…]
A matter of principle
All is quiet. It’s been nearly a month and the government haven’t announced any drastic changes to the school structure, teaching conditions, curriculum or examination system? However, with the half term then Christmas holidays soon to be upon us, there is still plenty of time for new announcements . To[…]
We praise Cottenham Village College for advocating the use of real historians in lessons
It was great to see Cottenham Village College history department highlighted in the TES on Friday (21st September 2012). This report was based on a good practice visit made by ofsted. To view the report click here.The depts message was simple and one which we totally agree with. Teach history[…]
Using Tea to teach History

Nearly every history teacher that I have worked with has said that they find teaching about the period 1750 -1900 really quite difficult. In fact when planning a Hampshire network session a few years ago one very successful head of department (now Deputy Head in Dorset) boldly said that we[…]