History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools


Giving effective written feedback and still managing workload


We are all told how important feedback is. Written feedback especially. The research. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) research states “feedback studies tend to show very high effects on learning”. We know feedback is important. SLTs love looking for this feedback as they can make it part of their accountability[…]

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Marking: Thank you Ofsted. Let’s hope SLT listen


Yesterday I saw a tweet about marking which definitely made me happy.  It cited Ofsted’s school Inspection Update Issue 8  and was written by National Director of Education, Sean Harford. He referred to  the Teacher Workload Review Group on Marking (March 2016)  and the Education Endowment Foundation (April 2016) which both[…]

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Old fashioned thinking about assessment

It is official: schools are assessment crazy! I recently spoke two teachers who told me that where they teach they have to get their students to produce a levelled piece of work every two weeks!! How mad / crazy / ill informed / laughable / depressing * is that!  Where[…]

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Why waste your time with lolly sticks?

Over the last few years Assessment for Learning seems to have been Top of the Pops. Most school Development Plans include three magic letters: AfL. These three letters, this magic bullet is going to improve all of our classroom practice and drive up attainment…isn’t it? Well if you are as boring[…]

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Improving literacy by recording written work

Isn’t it great when you get your kids to a point in their learning when they have done some really great history? But then, time and again,  when you ask them to write something meaningful at the end of this process what you get just isn’t as good as you expect.[…]

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