This is the final enquiry in the ‘Migrants in Britain’ scheme of work.
It rounds off the scheme of work with a useful re-cap of key information from the topic as a whole, challenging students to first recall examples of ‘economic migrants’ and refugees’ from the period c800 to the present day.
Then, students are asked to categorise information about some of the key events studied in the topic according to the time period in which the events took place. Students then plot this information on to two timelines.
The final activity sees students respond to an exam-style question, in which they consider whether, on the whole, Britain has provided a welcoming home for migrants throughout history.
This, essentially, is the big question at the core of the ‘Migrants in Britain’ topic: should Britain be proud of the way that different migrant groups have been treated through history?
Download lesson
- Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
- Lesson write-up: PDF
- Worksheet 1-3: PDF