This enquiry takes as its focus the recent vandalism of a Hernàn Cortés statue in Spain.
Students are invited to consider whether the vandalism – carried out by those sympathetic to Mexico’s conquest at the hands of the Spanish – was justified; was Cortés a cruel and oppressive coloniser? Or does this do a disservice to his memory?
Considering a range of evidence from the explorations and activities of Cortés, students consider whether Cortés’ actions – and the responses to them – changed over time. This helps them to develop an understanding of that important historical concept of change and continuity.
Finally, students write a commemorative plaque for Cortés, showing off their new knowledge by including a balanced sense of Cortés’ achievement and failings.
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- Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
- Lesson write-up:PDF
- Resource 1: PDF
- W.S1: PDF