History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

A Radio Discussion about the history of Black Britain

Radio StudioHaving armed your youngsters with expert historical knowledge on recent immigration history, why not turn your classroom into a radio studio and hold a recorded ‘In Our Time’ style discussion show?

Not only is this great fun, it also shows you how much they have learnt and understood.

By using a few props such as fake glasses and old brown jackets you can dress your experts up as historians.

Filming the whole thing not only makes it seem more real – you can use the save clip with next year’s classes to model what you want them to do.

It is clearly vital that you have taught your class about recent West Indian immigration.  The lessons on Lord Kitchener and Lord Scarman make perfect preparation for this task.

Download lesson

<li>Lesson presentation: PDF</li>
<li>Lesson write-up: PDF</li>
<li>Resource 1: PDF</li>
