This lesson develops students’ understanding of the second-order concept of consequence.
Students are asked first to speculate about the possible impacts or consequences of Spanish colonisation of the Aztec Empire.
Then, they learn more about different aspects of life that were altered or transformed by the Spanish arrival.
They use a set of criteria to determine exactly how significant the impact of the Spanish colonisation really was.
A radar graph activity helps them to plot their findings in a visual format. It gives them the chance to reflect on how widespread, long-lasting, unique and irreversible the colonisation proved to be.
Finally, an engaging and creative end task challenges students to decide on three ‘objects’ that represent the Aztec Empire before the Spanish arrived.
Students must place these chosen objects in a time capsule, as a way of commemorating the impact that the Spanish colonisation had on the people of the Aztec Empire.
Download lesson
- Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
- Lesson write-up: PDF
- Worksheet 1 – 3: PDF
Price: £12.99
Reduced: £5.99