This lesson takes the big topic of the Renaissance, and encourages students to consider how such a large, European-wide ‘movement’ might have actually impacted on ordinary people in England.
First, students are supported in coming up with definitions for ‘the Renaissance’.
Then they consider information relating to five different aspects of this movement: writing/language, art, books, entertainment and architecture.
They are guided in ‘telling the story’ of these aspects of the Renaissance, by matching up information on a worksheet.
Then, there is a chance for students to consider how these ‘big’ changes might have actually made a different to the lives of people in 15th and 16th century England.
Was it possible, for example, for ordinary people to read about new ideas, and form opinions on topics that might once have felt rather remote?
Did new forms of entertainment – like the theatre – become accessible for larger groups of people?
Was art more reflective of ‘ordinary’ people’s lives and experiences?
Finally, students write up their conclusions, using radar graphs to help them reach nuanced judgements in response to the enquiry question.
Download lesson
- Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
- Lesson write-up: PDF
- Worksheets 1 & 2: PDF
Price: £12.99
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