History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

11. Year 8 – Why did it take so long for the English to establish overseas colonies in America?

This lesson follows on from the previous enquiry, focusing on why it took the English so long to establish their own overseas colonies in the Americas. 

It takes a classic ‘causation’ format, presenting students with two competing arguments or interpretations, and providing evidence to help students decide which argument is the more convincing.

Students first categorise a set of clues according to whether they support the idea that England’s internal problems held them back from colonising the Americas, or whether they suggest that external strengths (like those of the Spanish and Portuguese) were more important.

Then, they use the analogy of a set of weighing scales to help them ‘weigh up’ the evidence, adding in further clues/evidence and assigning them numerical ratings as a way of allowing them to reach a conclusion.

Finally, students must take on the role of historian, deciding which interpretation is more convincing – and supporting their judgements with plenty of evidence. 

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  • Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
  • Lesson write-up: PDF
  • Worksheets: PDF
  • Resources: PDF

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