Norman Conquest

Norman Conquest – 6 lesson knowledge rich enquiry SOW free download.

Who should be the next King?

Was England ripe for invasion in 1066?

What problems did Harold face in the summer of 1066?
Norman Conquest, Key Stage 3: The Middle Ages, Introductory Lessons

What happened at the Battle of Hastings? A role play

Has the Battle of Hastings artist done his homework?
Norman Conquest, Key Stage 3: The Middle Ages, Introductory Lessons

For people living at the time, was the Norman Conquest a change for the better?

Norman Conquest knowledge organiser – free download
Norman Conquest, Free Resources, Key Stage 3: The Middle Ages

Did the historian Marc Morris get it right about the significance of the Norman Conquest?

Norman Conquest substantive knowledge test

Norman Conquest tarsia
Norman Conquest, Free Resources, Key Stage 3: The Middle Ages

Norman Conquest Saver Package
Norman Conquest, Key Stage 3: The Middle Ages, Saver Lesson Packages