Migrants in Britain

Pearson Edexcel Migrants, c800-present
Migrants in Britain, Edexcel, GCSE 2016, Saver Lesson Packages

Migration 1: The context of English Society before the Viking invasion

Migration 2: Why did the Viking ‘sea-wolves’ invade England?

Migration 3: Peaceful or pillaging: What was the impact of the Vikings in England?

Migration 4: How did the Vikings change the city of York?

Migration 5: Why did the Normans migrate to England in the years after 1066?

Migration 6: What was the most significant aspect of the Norman invasion?

Migration 7: How welcome were ‘denizens’ and ‘aliens’ in the later medieval period?
Women's history, Migrants in Britain, Medieval, Edexcel, GCSE 2016

Migration 8: How should we commemorate Licoricia of Winchester? GCSE version

Migration 9: Why were European Jews persecuted during the 1300s?

Migration 10: How typical is the migration story of ‘John Blanke the Blacke Trumpet’?

Migration 11: Why did the Flemish migrate to England in the early modern period?

Migration 12: How welcome were the Flemish migrants in Sandwich?

Migration 13: How much can we learn from Hall’s Chronicle about ‘Evil May Day’?

Migration 14: Why did so many Huguenots migrate to England during the early modern period?

Migration 15: What was the impact of Huguenot migration in the 17th century?

Migration 16: What was the nature of Roma Gypsy migration in the early modern period?
Migrants in Britain, Early Modern, Edexcel, GCSE 2016, Introductory Lessons

Migration 17: How did the slave trade impact on migration to England in the early modern period?

Migration 18: How did the growth of the British Empire impact on patterns of migration?

Migration 19: Why was the life and work of Olaudah Equiano so significant?

Migration 20: Is Wilson Williams right about the significance of the slave trade for Liverpool?

Migration 21: What does the Slave Compensation Commission tell us about the impact of slavery in Britain?

Migration 22: ‘A captive girl’… How typical were the experiences of Sarah Forbes Bonetta?
Women's history, Migrants in Britain, Industrial, Edexcel, GCSE 2016

Migration 23: Were lascar sailors really ‘the most exploited vagabonds of the sea’?

Migration 24: Why was there so much internal migration in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Migration 25: What impact did migrants have on British life and society?

Migration 26: Drunken women and slip-shod vowels: How were Irish migrants received in Liverpool?

Migration 27: How were Jewish migrants like Aaron Lieberman treated in London’s East End?

Migration 28: How can we map the Jewish presence in London’s East End?

Migration 29: How typical was Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech of attitudes towards migration in the 20th and 21st centuries?