History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Key Stage 3: The French Revolution

Storming of the Bastille More

French Revolution – 10 enquiry package


The Rights of Man More

What and when was the French Revolution? 


Who were the winners and losers in France in the 1770s?

French official More

Why couldn’t France get out of debt in the 1780s?

Louis XVI More

How far did Louis XVI live up to his portrait?

French Revolution More

Causes of The French Revolution: Pulling it all together

French Revolution More

When was it inevitable that Louis XVI would be executed?

David's Marat More

What did the artist David want us to think Jean Paul Marat was like?

David's Marat More

How far was David’s Marat ‘a beautiful awful lie’?

Robespierre More

Does Robespierre deserve the title ‘The Butcher of the Revolution’?

French bread More

Why bother learning about the French Revolution?