Key Stage 3: Industrial

Design a tea cosy dedicated to our national drink

Ordinary Lives in the Industrial Period SOW overview

Was Harriet Taylor Mill the most significant feminist campaigner of the 19th century?

Substantive Knowledge Test for the Industrial Period

Is the BBC History magazine right about the ‘Happy Victorians’? An Overview.

Should Richard Arkwright be in the National Portrait Gallery?

What was it like to be a worker during the Industrial Revolution?

Is E.P. Thompson right: was Victorian child labour ‘one of the most shameful events in our history’?

Industrial Ordinary Lives Knowledge Organiser
Free Resources, Industrial Ordinary Lives, Key Stage 3: Industrial

What can the music hall really tell us about women in Victorian society?
Women's history, Industrial Ordinary Lives, Key Stage 3: Industrial

Industrial Ordinary Lives Substantive knowledge Test

Who benefitted most from the Industrial Revolution?

Could you prosecute the captain of the Slave Ship Zong?

Where to site a museum to the Industrial Revolution

How successful in improving conditions was the 1842 Mines Act?

Should Peter Sanderson move to Manchester in the 1850s?

Was Britain to blame for the Irish Potato Famine?