Key Stage 3: 20th Century

Was Emily Davison a Martyr for the Suffragette cause?

How and why did the Suffragettes become more extreme?

How much can a German satirical map tell us about the causes of WW1?

Preparing a news bulletin about the start of World War One

How can we use Charlie Byrne’s diary to challenge misconceptions about the Western Front?

Why did Clara Haber kill herself in May 1915?

How can we check if photographs from World War One are faked?

Why was Margaretha MacLeod executed in 1917?

Why was World War One described as ‘Great’?

Sarah Barnes’ World War One Memorial Campaign

Could you create a more fitting memorial for those who died in the global war?
Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Wider World Histories, Key Stage 3: 20th Century

What did the artists of the Panthéon de la Guerre want to tell us about the First World War?

Should your history department spend money on Lenin artefacts?

What really happened in Petrograd in October 1917?

Why did Prohibition fail in America in the 1920s?

What was life like in Britain during the 1930s?

Why did James Maley go to Spain?

Was the Battle of Cable Street a turning point in the fight against British Fascism?

How should we remember Winston Churchill?

Was the Holocaust during World War Two inevitable?
Germany 1890-1945, AQA, GCSE 2016, Key Stage 3: 20th Century

Can you solve the mystery of the Nazi-Soviet Pact?

What can a song tell us about life in a Nazi Labour Camp?

Yalta ‘Big Three’ World War Two Conference Role Play

What do 1950s sci-fi movies reveal about American fears and attitudes to the Cold War?
Edexcel, Conflict 1945-72, AQA, Cold War 1941-91, GCSE 2016, Key Stage 3: 20th Century, Introductory Lessons

Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis Decision Making
Edexcel, Conflict 1945-72, AQA, Cold War 1941-91, GCSE 2016, Key Stage 3: 20th Century, Introductory Lessons

How close did the Cold War come to Nuclear War?
Edexcel, Conflict 1945-72, AQA, Cold War 1941-91, GCSE 2016, Key Stage 3: 20th Century

Vidal Sassoon mystery: What was Vidal up to in the 40s and 50s?

How much had really changed for women by the end of the 1960s?

Why did American soldiers shoot at My Lai?

The Falklands Syndrome: What were the consequences of the Falklands War?