Migration 38: Were Leicester’s Ugandan Asians really ‘Britain’s most successful immigrant community’?
Migration 39: What impact has European Union migration had on Britain?
Migration 40: ‘Britain has provided a welcoming home for migrants throughout history’. How far do you agree?
What does Mary Jones’ story reveal about Early Modern crime prevention?
Which ‘new’ crimes worried the authorities in the Industrial Period?
Was transportation to Australia a success?
Which reformer most deserves to go on the back of a £5 note?
Why was the Bloody Code abolished in the 1820s – 1830s?
When in the 19th century was it the best time for John Walker to go to prison?
Did anyone really bother to enforce the law properly 1700-1900?
What does the story of Polly Nichols reveal about Whitechapel in the 1880s?
How did conditions in the East End help the Ripper to commit murder?
Why was Whitechapel so difficult to police?
Why did the Whitechapel police fear a race riot?
Was Thomas Brynes correct when he described the London Police as stupid?
Commander of H Division: Dream job or nightmare?
Who did the best job as Head of the Met?
Was there anything new about 20th century crimes?
How much did the police-force change after 1900?
Edexcel, Crime and Punishment, GCSE 2016, Introductory Lessons
Did the 20th century see the biggest change in the punishment of offenders?
When was the safest time in history to steal?
The Rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany: An overview
What was Germany like in 1918? Produce an Audio Guide for a cartoon
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar constitution?
Was Germany stabbed in the back?
Why were the Germans so angry about the Treaty of Versailles?
Do you agree with a memoir from 1923?
Who was the biggest threat to the Weimar Republic 1919-23?
Was the Munich Putsch of 1923 a Success or Failure?
Why did people join the Nazi Party?