
Why were Monarchs so worried about new crimes 1500 – 1700?

How to get the best out of the Edexcel British Depth Study: Early Elizabethan England

Early Elizabethan England for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE
Edexcel, Elizabethans 1558-88, GCSE 2016, Saver Lesson Packages

How was Elizabeth’s character and reign shaped by events in her early life?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

What problems did Elizabeth face at the beginning of her reign?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

How serious a challenge did Elizabeth face from the Puritans?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603

What kind of Church did Elizabeth choose in 1559?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

How big a threat was Mary Queen of Scots to Elizabeth in 1568?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

What made the Northern Earls Revolt in 1569?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

What threat did Catholic plots pose to Elizabeth?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Can you update Ladybird’s explanation for the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016, Introductory Lessons

How much does a 16th Century Dutch painting reveal about why England and Spain went to war?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

How accurately does the film ‘Drake of England’, deal with the Spanish Armada and its failure?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Why was there an increase in poverty and vagabondage in Elizabethan England?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Was Elizabethan society really under threat from a ‘rascally rabbalage’ of vagabonds?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Was the Elizabethan period a ‘golden age’ of culture for Elizabethans?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, Introductory Lessons

Why did so many Elizabethan sailors risk long and dangerous voyages overseas?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Why did the Virginia colonies fail?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Who should survive a ‘rehang’ in the NPG – Raleigh or Drake?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Mystery enquiry: Why were ‘they’ punished so harshly?

Was England really hit by a witch craze in the 17th century?

Why was the Bloody Code introduced? Evaluating a dodgy internet site

Super Power Relations and the Cold War for Edexcel 9-1 GCSE

Migration 1: The context of English Society before the Viking invasion

Migration 2: Why did the Viking ‘sea-wolves’ invade England?

Migration 3: Peaceful or pillaging: What was the impact of the Vikings in England?

Migration 4: How did the Vikings change the city of York?

Migration 5: Why did the Normans migrate to England in the years after 1066?

Migration 6: What was the most significant aspect of the Norman invasion?

Migration 7: How welcome were ‘denizens’ and ‘aliens’ in the later medieval period?
Women's history, Migrants in Britain, Medieval, Edexcel, GCSE 2016