Year 7 Diverse KS3

2. Tang Dynasty Knowledge Organiser
Wider World Histories, Free Resources, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3

3. What was the story of the Tang Dynasty?
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

4. What can paintings from the Mogao caves tell us about life under the Tang Dynasty?
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

5. Why was Xuanzang’s journey to India so important?
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

6. What impact did trade along the Silk Roads have on the Tang Dynasty?
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

7. What can the city of Chang’an tell us about life under Tang rule?
Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty

8. Does Empress Wu deserve her reputation as a ruthless murderer?
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Women's history, Wider World Histories

9. How useful is Du Fu’s poem for telling us about the catastrophes of the 750s?
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

10. Were the Tang emperors to blame for the collapse of the dynasty in 907?
Year 7 Diverse KS3, Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Wider World Histories

11. Tang Dynasty Tarsia
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, Free Resources, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

12. Tang Dynasty Knowledge Test
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

13. Was The Tang Dynasty really the ‘greatest civilisation in earth’? Final Assessment
Key Stage 3: The Tang Dynasty, 3. Year 7: Tang Dynasty, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Wider World Histories

Year 7 Vikings and Climate lesson package

1. Introduction: How does the climate help to explain the changing fortunes of the Vikings?
4. Year 7: The Vikings and the Climate, Free Resources, Year 7 Diverse KS3

2. The Vikings and the Climate – Knowledge Organiser
4. Year 7: The Vikings and the Climate, Free Resources, Year 7 Diverse KS3

3. Overview: How far can patterns of Viking migration be put down to the climate?

4. What does the Rök runestone tell us about the Little Ice Age?

5. What impact did the climate have on Viking culture?

6. How did climate and the environment help Viking trade develop?

7. How can different types of researchers work together to find out more about the Vikings?

8. Can we solve the mystery of the lost Viking settlement on Greenland?

9. Vikings and Climate change Tarsia
4. Year 7: The Vikings and the Climate, Free Resources, Year 7 Diverse KS3

10. Vikings and Climate Knowledge Test

11. Vikings and Climate final assessment

Norman Conquest for Diverse Curriculum: Lessons Package
5. Year 7: Norman Conquest, Year 7 Diverse KS3, Saver Lesson Packages

1. Introduction Task: ‘Arrogant, warlike and very pleased with themselves’: What were the Normans really like?
5. Year 7: Norman Conquest, Free Resources, Year 7 Diverse KS3

2. Norman Conquest for diverse curriculum – Knowledge Organiser
5. Year 7: Norman Conquest, Free Resources, Year 7 Diverse KS3

3. What do contemporary sources tell us about Edward the Confessor’s reign?

4. How predictable was the rise of William of Normandy?

5. Why do sources from the time disagree about the Battle of Hastings?