Conflict and Tension 1945-72 – Scheme of Work

How to get the most out of the AQA Elizabethan England British Depth Study

Elizabethan England 1568-1603 for AQA 9-1 GCSE
AQA, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016, Saver Lesson Packages

How was Elizabeth’s character and reign shaped by events in her early life?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

What problems did Elizabeth face at the beginning of her reign?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

How did Elizabeth maintain her authority?

How serious a challenge did Elizabeth face from the Puritans?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603

What kind of Church did Elizabeth choose in 1559?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

How big a threat was Mary Queen of Scots to Elizabeth in 1568?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

What made the Northern Earls Revolt in 1569?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

What threat did Catholic plots pose to Elizabeth?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Can you update Ladybird’s explanation for the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016, Introductory Lessons

How much does a 16th Century Dutch painting reveal about why England and Spain went to war?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

How accurately does the film ‘Drake of England’, deal with the Spanish Armada and its failure?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Why was there an increase in poverty and vagabondage in Elizabethan England?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Was Elizabethan society really under threat from a ‘rascally rabbalage’ of vagabonds?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Was the Elizabethan period a ‘golden age’ of culture for Elizabethans?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, Introductory Lessons

Why did so many Elizabethan sailors risk long and dangerous voyages overseas?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Why did the Virginia colonies fail?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Who should survive a ‘rehang’ in the NPG – Raleigh or Drake?
Edexcel, AQA, Elizabethans 1558-88, Elizabethan England c1568 - 1603, GCSE 2016

Who was to blame for the Essex rebellion?

Germany 1890-1945 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

Conflict and Tension between East and West 1945-72 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

How to get the most out of the AQA 9-1 GCSE Germany Period Study

1880-2004: How good was the view from the Reichstag?

What is the story of Germany between 1890–1945?

How much was Kaiser Wilhelm II’s ability to rule shaped by his early life?

What problems did Kaiser Wilhelm II face 1890-1914?

What was Germany like in 1918? Produce an Audio Guide for a cartoon

Was Germany stabbed in the back?