History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools


Berlin Wall More

Conflict and Tension 1945-72 – Scheme of Work

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Elizabeth I More

How to get the most out of the AQA Elizabethan England British Depth Study

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Elizabeth I More

Elizabethan England 1568-1603 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

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Young Elizabeth I More

How was Elizabeth’s character and reign shaped by events in her early life?

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Elizabeth I More

What problems did Elizabeth face at the beginning of her reign?

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Elizabeth authority More

How did Elizabeth maintain her authority?


Puritans More

How serious a challenge did Elizabeth face from the Puritans?

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Religious see-saw More

What kind of Church did Elizabeth choose in 1559?

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Mary Queen of Scots More

How big a threat was Mary Queen of Scots to Elizabeth in 1568?

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Thomas Percy More

What made the Northern Earls Revolt in 1569?

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Babingon postscript More

What threat did Catholic plots pose to Elizabeth?

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Mary Queen of Scots More

Can you update Ladybird’s explanation for the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots?

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Elizabeth I Painting More

How much does a 16th Century Dutch painting reveal about why England and Spain went to war?

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Drake More

How accurately does the film ‘Drake of England’, deal with the Spanish Armada and its failure?

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Elizabethan Poverty More

Why was there an increase in poverty and vagabondage in Elizabethan England?

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Thomas Harman More

Was Elizabethan society really under threat from a ‘rascally rabbalage’ of vagabonds?

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Elizabeth dancing More

Was the Elizabethan period a ‘golden age’ of culture for Elizabethans?

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Elizabethan ships More

Why did so many Elizabethan sailors risk long and dangerous voyages overseas?

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Sir Walter Raleigh More

Who should survive a ‘rehang’ in the NPG – Raleigh or Drake?

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Essex More

Who was to blame for the Essex rebellion?

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Nazi film More

Germany 1890-1945 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

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Cold War tension More

Conflict and Tension between East and West 1945-72 for AQA 9-1 GCSE

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AQA GCSE history More

How to get the most out of the AQA 9-1 GCSE Germany Period Study

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Reichstag More

1880-2004: How good was the view from the Reichstag?

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Soviet flag over Berlin More

What is the story of Germany between 1890–1945?

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Kaiser Wilhelm II and mother More

How much was Kaiser Wilhelm II’s ability to rule shaped by his early life?

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Kaiser Wilhelm More

What problems did Kaiser Wilhelm II face 1890-1914?

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Wiemar cartoon More

What was Germany like in 1918? Produce an Audio Guide for a cartoon

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Stab in the back More

Was Germany stabbed in the back?

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