Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900

Africa Wider World Unit lessons package
Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Wider World Histories, Saver Lesson Packages

How do we learn more about Africa and African history?

African history C1000-1900 focusing on Benin: SOW download

Is it true that Benin enjoyed a ‘golden age’ during the 15th and 16th centuries?

Did the Obas of Benin really rule through superstition and fear?

Why did the Obas of Benin participate in the slave trade?
Wider World Histories, Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Industrial Empire

How much can we learn from Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua’s slave narrative?
Wider World Histories, Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Industrial Empire

Could you bring Sir Harry Rawson to justice for the Benin Massacre?
Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Industrial Empire, Wider World Histories

Should the British Museum return the Benin Bronzes?
Industrial Empire, Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Wider World Histories

How well connected was Early Modern Africa? Challenging Hugh Trevor Roper.
Wider World Histories, Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Introductory Lessons

How accurate is Professor Olupona’s interpretaton about the influence of Islam in Africa?

How and why was Africa ‘invented’ in the 19th century?

Could you create a more fitting memorial for those who died in the global war?
Key Stage 3: Africa C1000-1900, Wider World Histories, Key Stage 3: 20th Century