History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools


British Empire 1700-1900 – Six lesson saver package

British Empire

Here we provide, 6 interlinking enquiries which make teaching the British Empire a joy. Starting with an antique plate, each enquiry stands up alone and ties in with the empire theme. Lots of creativity and rigour.

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Why was the Bloody Code abolished in the 1820s – 1830s?

Hogarth execution

Why was the Bloody Code abolished in the 1820s – 1830s? This cracking enquiry is highly engaging and answers the above question by arming your students with all of the evidence and skills they need to write a speech arguing for the end of the BC. To start with they[…]

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Did anyone really bother to enforce the law properly 1700-1900?

Law enforcement

Did anyone really bother to enforce the law properly 1700-1900? This enquiry starts with the fascinating story of Jonathan Wild – the self-named Thief Taker General who ran a massive network of thieves, had some of them tried and executed, and advised the government on crime prevention! Now that is[…]

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Was there a shift in power during the Industrial Period? Knowledge Organiser

Download this knowledge organiser for this unit focusing on shifting power in the Industrial Period. The unit provides you with enquiries showing how power shifted in this period. There is an overview which asks your students to asses to what extent the shifts in power were a result of protest[…]

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Swing Riots Decision Maker

This active enquiry get students to put themselves in the shoes of the Swing Rioters.  It asks them to work out how they might have responded to the circumstances facing agricultural labourers in the early 19t​h ​century. Students work through a number of decisions, before learning how ordinary people actually[…]

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Why did Robert and Joseph Mason take part in the Swing Riots?

Captain Swing

Here you use the power of the personal story to help your students find out why two brothers led the Swing Riots in the small village of Bullington. You will use a mystery approach activity to get your students thinking hard. They will sort and classify information before making sense of it.[…]

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Why did Sussex gamekeeper Henry Ayling report so much debt in 1830?

This enquiry starts with the story of Henry Ayling, a gamekeeper working on a big estate in the 19thcentury. Ayling reported an increase in debts in the periods 1830-1. Students are asked to speculate about why this might have been. The enquiry reveals that this debt came from an increase[…]

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How typical was Elizabeth Lavender’s execution in 1799?

This enquiry encourages students to reflect on the different punishment methods used in the 18th to 20th centuries. It  takes an overview approach. The enquiry begins with the story of Elizabeth Lavender, who was executed for infanticide in 1799. It then introduces a range of other punishment methods used during[…]

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Ordinary Lives in the Industrial Period SOW overview

Download this free knowledge-rich plan for a 5 enquiry study into Ordinary Lives in the Industrial Period. This fits into our coherent Key Stage 3 curriculum. The free downloadable scheme provides you with the core knowledge each lesson delivers and the first-order concepts / key terms each lesson will focus[…]

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Was Harriet Taylor Mill the most significant feminist campaigner of the 19th century?

This enquiry is great for practising the application of significance criteria. It also helps students to understand that the feminist movement did not begin with the suffragettes in the early 20th century.  Campaigners like Harriet Taylor Mill and Annie Besant were fighting for causes like enfranchisement, divorce and property rights[…]

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Substantive Knowledge Test for the Industrial Period

Download this substantive knowledge test the unit on Power in the Industrial Period. It tests your students’ core knowledge from this unit of work. Use it alongside an end product from one of the enquiries in this unit to provide you with assessment information about your students substantive and disciplinary[…]

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Is the BBC History magazine right about the ‘Happy Victorians’? An Overview.

This enquiry provides an overview of some of the major developments of the Victorian period. To really give students a feel of the Victorian psyche, students are introduced to Aristotle. Aristotle was a much-loved philosopher during the Victorian period. This obsession reflects the broader Victorian preoccupation with the ancient world.[…]

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What was it like to be a worker during the Industrial Revolution?

This enquiry takes the form of a game.  Students become industrial workers, and are tasked with maintaining (or improving) their financial position in society during a year in the life of an industrial worker. This is a fun way of developing students’ understanding of the period. They will encounter some[…]

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Industrial Ordinary Lives Knowledge Organiser

Download this knowledge organiser for this unit focusing on ordinary lives in the Industrial Period. The unit is centred around the question: Did ordinary lives get better in the industrial period? This knowledge organiser provides your students with the core substantive knowledge they will need to know to be successful[…]

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What can the music hall really tell us about women in Victorian society?

This enquiry focuses on an area of industrial life that is often neglected, in favour of the larger narratives of change and progress. It focuses on popular amusement, and the impact of the new entertainment form offered by music halls. Here you will use music hall entertainment as a ‘way[…]

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Industrial Ordinary Lives Substantive knowledge Test

Download this substantive knowledge test the unit on Ordinary Lives in the Industrial Period. It tests your students’ core knowledge from this unit of work. Use it alongside an end product from one of the enquiries in this unit to provide you with assessment information about your students substantive and[…]

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