History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools


7. Why was the monarchy restored in 1660?

This lesson follows on from the previous lesson. It picks up events around the time of the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660. Causation is at the heart of the lesson.  Students are tasked with working out whether the Restoration of the Monarchy can be attributed to anger with the[…]

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8. Is Steven Shapin right about the Scientific Revolution?

This lesson is centred on some interpretations work.   It gives  the students an opportunity to develop their ability to critique the viewpoint of an established historian. Students are presented with the views of historian Steven Shapin. Shapin  argues – quite controversially – that there was ‘no such thing as[…]

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10. Revolutionary England, knowledge test

Download this free substantive knowledge test for this unit on ‘revolutionary’ England. It fits perfectly into the diverse year 8  curriculum – just sign up as basic member. It tests your students’ core knowledge from this 7 lesson enquiry. The second page shows you the teacher answers. Use it alongside[…]

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11. Revolutionary England Disciplinary Assessment

This written diverse assessment  gives your year 8 classes the chance to consider how the changes in this period affected ordinary people. This fits with good assessment practice at KS3. First, students are reminded of the work of Eamon Duffy who wrote about how the villagers of Morebath experienced the[…]

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2. Year 8 – Exploration and Colonisation Knowledge Organiser

Download this knowledge organiser for this original unit of the HRC Year 8 Diverse Curriculum. The unit focuses on early European exploration and colonisation.  It answers the big question: What impact did early European exploration and colonisation have on indigenous people? This knowledge organiser gives your students all of the[…]

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3. Year 8 – Does Christopher Columbus deserve his heroic reputation?

This lesson provides an introduction to the unit, by way of a study of the voyages and activities of Christopher Columbus. Students are first presented with the front cover of historian David Stannard’s book American Holocaust. They are asked to make inferences from the cover (including the emotive title) about[…]

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4. Year 8 – How was the Aztec Empire ruled before the Spanish arrived?

This lesson aims to develop students’ understanding of life in the Aztec Empire before the arrival of the Spanish. It seeks to correct some widespread misconceptions about the apparent disorganisation, brutality and lawlessness of the empire. It draws upon the account of Bernal Diaz del Castillo,  Spanish writer whose descriptions[…]

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6. Year 8 – Why was a statue of a little boy stolen from a Mexico park?

This enquiry is centred around the removal or theft of a statue depicting a little boy from a park in Mexico City in 2010. The whole statue shows Hernán Cortés, Malintzin and their son Martin.   It is the portion depicting Martin that has been removed, presumed stolen. Students’ task[…]

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7. Year 8 – What impact did Spanish colonisation have on the Aztec Empire?

This lesson develops students’ understanding of the second-order concept of consequence. Students are asked first to speculate about the possible impacts or consequences of Spanish colonisation of the Aztec Empire. Then, they learn more about different aspects of life that were altered or transformed by the Spanish arrival. They use[…]

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8. Year 8 – What benefits did Spain enjoy from their overseas empire?

This lesson is focused on the consequences of the Spanish colonisation of the Americas. It helps to underline the significant benefits that the Spanish derived from their governance of such a large region after 1492. The lesson is centred around a mapping activity. Students must first locate the key conquests[…]

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9. What is the lasting legacy of the Spanish Empire?

This enquiry focuses on the consequences and long-lasting impact of Spain’s huge ‘New World’ empire. Spain was one of the first European powers to develop a large overseas empire. Although many countries that came under Spanish control gained their independence in the 19th century, the impact of Spanish influence was[…]

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10. Year 8 -What impact did early English explorers have?

This lesson builds on the previous enquiries in the unit  by exploring the contributions made by early English explorers. The second-order concept focus is on similarity and difference.   Students work towards being able to compare the strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish and English ‘empires’ in the 16th and[…]

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12. Was the Plymouth Colony of 1620 a success?

This enquiry explores one of England’s earliest attempts to establish an American colony. You know the one. The one that was led by a group of Puritans escaping persecution under King James I. In the lesson, students employ criteria to judge the colony’s success, considering evidence from a range of[…]

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13. Year 8 – Exploration Substantive Knowledge Test

Download this free substantive knowledge test for this unit on early exploration. It fits perfectly into the diverse year 8  curriculum – just sign up as basic member. It tests your students’ core knowledge from this  sequence of lessons. The second page shows you the teacher answers. Use it alongside[…]

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African history C1000-1900 focusing on Benin: SOW download

Written by Elena Stevens, this knowledge-rich wider world unit focuses on the history of Africa between circa 1000-1900. 7 of the enquiries take The Kingdom of Benin as a case study. They explore its history through a combination of primary evidence,  a keen focus on interesting historical interpretations and other[…]

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Is it true that Benin enjoyed a ‘golden age’ during the 15th and 16th centuries?

This enquiry shows students how historical interpretations can be examined, critiqued and challenged. Taking the interpretation of writer Amie Jane Leavitt – who suggests that Benin’s ‘golden age’ was initiated by Oba Ewuare in the 15th century – students are encouraged to consider the use of criteria in reaching judgements.[…]

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Did the Obas of Benin really rule through superstition and fear?

This enquiry focuses on challenging the typical view of the Obas of Benin:  they were only able to be successful by ruling through fear and superstition. Students are encouraged to tackle this view by analysing a number of important clues. Next, a close examination of accounts written at the time[…]

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Why did the Obas of Benin participate in the slave trade?

This lesson adopts the classic enquiry approach. You drip-feeding clues and encourage students to refine their hypotheses as they go along. The initial question is set up at the beginning of the lesson: why was it that, after centuries of essentially refusing to be part of the international slave trade,[…]

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How much can we learn from Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua’s slave narrative?

This enquiry uses a ‘cultural history’ approach to help students gain a deeper understanding of slaves’ experiences in the 19th century. Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua was captured from the Kingdom of Benin and transported to America to work as a slave. Although in some ways his experiences were echoed by thousands[…]

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Why did Britain and China go to war in 1840?


The first ‘Opium War’ unlocks some dark secrets about our past, making for great causation and interpretations work. This lesson provides a good assessment opportunity with clear mark-scheme. 

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Is John D Clare right about the Indian Mutiny?

Indian Mutiny

Does John D Clare get it right about the Indian Mutiny? This one-off lesson is intended to give students a snapshot of empire, focusing on India while it was still under the control of the East India Company. It could lead to an investigation as to whether life for Indians[…]

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Did John D Clere get it right about the Indian Mutiny?

This one-off lesson is intended to give students a snapshot of empire, focusing on India while it was still under the control of the East India Company. It could lead to an investigation as to whether life for Indians really improved under the Raj. Or it could be used to[…]

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Could you bring Sir Harry Rawson to justice for the Benin Massacre?

This enquiry offers an engaging way of developing students’ understanding of the horrors of the Benin Massacre of 1897. Students are tasked with putting Sir Harry Rawson on trial for his role in the massacre, gathering evidence to prosecute Rawson. Sir Harry Rawson was the leader of the British forces[…]

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Should the British Museum return the Benin Bronzes?

This enquiry takes the form of a debate. Students are equipped with the evidence needed to participate in a debate about the Benin Bronzes, arguing either for the returning of the Bronzes to Nigeria or for their continued display at the British Museum. Students are guided through the process of[…]

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Was Letitia Bunting right to walk out of Zulu? 


Zulu! Just how accurate is it? Why did an elderly lady storm out of its premier? Your class will debunk an interpretation before considering the tension between reel history and real history.

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