I wanted to post a blog to invite you to join our new membership service.
Over the last term we have been working very hard to support you by improving the way our site works. Lots of people have contacted us to ask if we offer a subscription or membership approach. We have listened and the answer is now, ‘yes we do’.
You can now sign up to History Resource Cupboard as a full member and get 24/7 access to all of our resources.
Full Membership and New GCSE resources
Full membership allows you complete access to all of our resources annually. Once you register and sign up for full or schools membership, you will have 24/7 access to all of our resources, including all lesson enquiries. You will also get so much more.
What’s more, in the Spring Term we are uploading lesson resources to support you through the new GCSEs. We are putting the finishing touches to complete lesson packages that will allow you to teach 2016 GCSE history in its entirety. Crime and Punishment for Edexcel is now available.
In the crazy world of education today this will save you hours and hours of time that many of us simply don’t seem to have. We have planned the courses and will be using the lessons in our classrooms. You will have access to all of this material. This means you will be able to download the lessons and teach them, or adapt them to your classes unique needs.
We’ll also be making available hundreds of lessons over the coming weeks and months.
Learn more about FULL MembershipBasic Membership
If you want to find out if History Resource Cupboard resources will fit your needs, then try out our Basic membership. This is free and gives you access to our ten introductory lessons and access to all of our articles. If you want to upgrade to full membership you can do so at any time.
Learn more about BASIC MembershipAnd if you want to keep using History Resource Cupboard as you do at present, don’t worry, you can still pay per download to access individual lessons to suit your current curriculum requirements as well our our great value saver packages.
Happy History Teaching!