I have just had a quick look at the final draft of the National Curriculum for History. It is on page 204 – 2011 of this hefty document. It is great to see that all of our voices were actually heard during the consultation. The document, at first glance seems sensible. The aims and purpose statement is good (it always was). It has been improved. We are now also asked to teach our pupils to:
- understand the methods of historical enquiry…
The crazy content has gone. Suggestions are now left for what the content should be, but they are not statutory.
Key Stage 1 and 2 seem OK. Although it is still a shame that some of the great topics that have been developed post 1066 will be lost. There is a requirement to teach a unit that:
- extends pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066
At Key Stage 3, there seems little real change to what we have always done. We are asked to teach:
- The Development of Church state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1509
- The Development of Church state and society in Medieval Britain 1509 -1745
- Ideas of political power, industry and empire, Britain 1745-1900
- challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day (and the Holocaust)
- A local history study
- The study of an aspect of theme in British history from before 1066
- At least one study of a significant society or issue in world history and its interconnections with other world developments