Do you teach a thematic study at GCSE? Of course you do. I would recommend that you start off with a tried and tested overview. Something that Alec Fisher and I perfected when we worked together for 10 years. We believed and still do, that if you start a course or a new topic, it is a great idea to give the kids an overview, a sneak preview of what they are going to be studying.
Then, your students can begin to see the wood for the trees and will begin to get what they are studying and why they are studying it. Creating overviews at GCSE is hugely important. They see the big picture and can then slot new learning into this as you progress through your course.
If you just jump knee deep into the content they sometimes don’t get what the point is. They definitely cannot begin to see patterns or trends over time. And lets face it, this is one of the many important things we have to get over to our wonderful students. So how do you create an overview of 100, 200, 500 or even 1000 years of history in one lesson?
It is so simple to do. Here is how.
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