History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Teaching Issues

Cracking free History Teachers INSET in July

Why not come along to a free history CPD day on 11th July?Bring your whole department.

Free CPD for History Teachers and History Leaders led by Richard McFahn at Worthing library 9.30 – 3.30, 11th July 2012


‘I am bored of teaching the same old lessons at GCSE’ how far do you agree with this view?

There is soooo much more to GCSE history than focusing lessons on formulaic responses to repetitive exam questions which have bizarre marking schemes. We will share with you a classroom study into ENQUIRY BASED TEACHING at KS4 completed by five teachers. Find out what the approach was, how it worked and what the impact was. See the enquiries in action.


Frustrated that you want your students to work with real archive material but don’t have the time to spend searching the web and through library catalogues?

No need to bother – come along and look at the huge collection of resources produced for the amazing War Time West Sussex online archive. There are 700 documents at your disposal including audio interviews, photographs and newspapers. See how three case studies have been expertly worked up then spend time planning your own


‘A nice cup of tea’: Adding engagement and coherence to your scheme of work on Industrial Britain When people think of the British they often think of us a nation of tea drinkers. What could be more civilised, more mundane than a nice cup of tea? Surprisingly, our national obsession with tea actually reveals some dark secrets about our past: drunkenness, slavery, drug dealing and trafficking. This session will show you how to enliven your classes by using tea as starting point to knit together a series of fascinating enquiries, based on these shadowy secrets. It will help make the history you teach meaningful to the lives of your students and will show you how to add coherence to your scheme of work by creating a common thread.

To book contact: Helen Blakeborough
Project Officer
Wartime West Sussex 1939-45 Project

Email: digitisation.unit.libraries@westsussex.gov.uk You will need to provide your own lunch

Attend individually or bring your whole team

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