History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

How much difference did Scarman make to the lives of Black Britons after 1981?

RiotMany of us teach post war first generation immigration into Britain. In fact our Lord Kitchener enquiry is a classic. But what about the lives of black people living in Britain over the last thirty years – have their lives improved?

This enquiry starts with the riots of 1981 – the worst riots in Britain of the 20th century, and uses the iconic Ghost Town by The Specials as a starting point. Did anything positive come out of this depressing year?

Lord Scarman was asked to investigate the riots in Brixton. His inquiry made some recommendations – but did they make any difference? Students look at evidence from different aspects of life in Britain, they think deeply before deciding.

This enquiry makes an ideal ICT activity with students working independently moving information on pcs before substantiating their arguments – we should know as we have tried it and it worked really well. You could set this as a homework ICT project.

The lesson can also be taught in a traditional way – we kindly have provided the resources for both.


Lesson includes:
Scarman presentation (PDF)
Scarman lesson write-up (PDF)
Resource 1 (PDF)
Worksheet 1 (PDF)
Scarman ICT lesson presentation (PDF)
Scarman ICT lesson write-up (PDF)
ICT Resource 1 (Doc)
ICT Resource 2 (Doc)

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