History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

How and why did the Suffragettes campaign become more extreme?

SuffragettesHow do we get our students to really understand how and why things changed over a period of time? This enquiry shows exactly how by using the interesting topic of Suffragette campaign tactics.

The students are actively involved all of the way through. Initially raising questions, the class then sorts and groups information, before really pinpointing when and why the Suffragettes decided to get more extreme.

Armed with meaningful historical knowledge, the enquiry then gives you a choice of options. You can either use the new knowledge to explain the context of the poster.

Alternatively you can venture into the trickier area of interpretations.


Lesson includes:

  • Suffragettes Presentation (PowerPoint)
  • Suffragettes Enquiry Write-up (PDF)
  • Resource 1 – Tactic Cards (PowerPoint)
  • Resource 2 – Student Answer (PDF)

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