History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

How successful was the 1842 Mines Act?

John HallUsing the personal story of a Durham Miner this enquiry allows students to evaluate the impact of government legislation on the lives of those it was meant to protect.

Micro-history on a personal scale is an excellent historical tool to allow our students a window on the past. By using a range of sources and anecdotes students are encouraged to explore the working conditions in the coal mines of industrial Britain while working towards a supported conclusion about the effectiveness of the 1842 Mines Act.

The enquiry builds skills in selection and weighing evidence, reaching supported conclusions and encourages creativity in how the final conclusions are presented.


This download includes:

  • Presentation (PDF)
  • Enquiry write up (PDF)
  • Resource 1 (PDF)
  • Worksheet 1(PDF)

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