History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

Who was the most successful Plantagenet monarch? Part 3: John

This lesson represents the third of a three-part enquiry into the Plantagenet monarchs, in this case focusing on John I.

The first lesson focuses on Henry II, the second on Richard I.

It offers students the opportunity to make judgements about the success of King John’s reign based on evidence, before revising these judgements through the introduction of ‘info- flashes’.

Students demonstrate their new knowledge of John’s reign, by providing evidence to support and/or challenge two historians’ interpretations of John.

Finally, students bring together their knowledge from this and the previous two lessons, reaching conclusions about the most successful Plantagenet monarch. It is an engaging way of getting students to reach balanced conclusions, drawing on detailed knowledge from the period.


Price: £12.99

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