This neat enquiry gives you an overview of the religious changes in this period and it brings real so called ‘criminals’ to life. This will help engage them and provide them with the evidence they need to answer the key question: Why were Monarchs so worried about new crimes 1500 – 1700?
Your students will listen to three different individuals describe their situation. We use brilliantly narrated audio clips that are embedded in the presentation. This helps us cover lots of content quickly. We also provide transcripts for those learners who need to look at the written word.
Your students will select and record key facts about these new crimes. They will then draw on our factors and use them to improve their explanatory writing by seeing inter connectedness. Great work!
Download lesson
- Lesson presentation: PowerPoint
- Lesson write-up: PDF
- Resource 1-3: PDF
- Worksheet 1-3: PDF