History Resource Cupboard – lessons and resources for schools

History Resource Cupboard - lessons and resources for schools

How prescient were the Social Democrats about ‘The Worker in the Swastika state’?

Can your students make their own audio guide for this poster which explains the message of the poster and evaluates how prescient the Social Democrats were? Hits lots of cherished GCSE skills without a mention of an exam mark-scheme.

By walking around the source, your students work out the message and then the provenance and date. Next they decide whether the message came true in reality.

Here they analyse different evidence about workers in Nazi Germany before deciding. Then it is time for them to record their own online audio guide.


Download includes:

  • Presentation PPT
  • Lesson guide PDF
  • Resource 1 PDF
  • Resource 2 sources PDF
  • Resource 3 cards PDF

Resource 4 large cards PDF

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